Library Holdings
Please contact us at and we will be happy to look something up for you in these publications.
List of
Cass County Family Histories
Ashland 125 Year Celebration
This book was published in 1982 for their 125 year celebration, has a few family histories, photos and advertisements.
Beardstown City Directories
1962 and 1968 When asking for information, please, include the person and year which you want searched.
Beardstown and Cass County Phone Directories
This is a collection of phone books starting in 1969 up to the present day. This collection will help locate a relative that may have lived in Cass County.
Rushville (Schuyler County) School Yearbooks - 1939 and 1940
Gleanings- Virginia Gazette
Newspapers on Microfilm available to view
Ashland Newspaper - July 4, 1885 - December 31, 1982
Beardstown Newspaper - February 1881 - January 3, 1967
Chandlerville Newspaper - December 5, 1879 - December 27, 1968
Virginia Newspaper - February 23, 1872 - December 24, 1997
Assorted 1930-1971 Chandlerville Newspaper and Arenzville Times July 15, 1904 at end of this roll of microfilm